Fundamentals of Speech II

SPE 102 | 3 Credit Hours
speech with an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Impromptu, pantomime, storytelling, demonstration, and informative speeches are delivered.

Fundamentals of Speech I

SPE 101 | 3 Credit Hours
This basic techniques and principles course offers emphasis on delivery style and platform performance. Manuscript, memorized, and extemporaneous speeches are performed. The class culminates with the devotional.

Biblical Philosophy of Music

MUS 106 | 2 Credit Hours
This course is designed to assist the student in establishing a biblical perspective of music, both in the personal realm and in church ministries.

Introduction to Missions

MIS 102 | 2 Credit Hours
A study of the biblical basis of New Testament local church missions and a historical overview of missions from Bible times to the present day. The course will emphasize the role and responsibility of the pastor and the local church in missionary outreach. Instruction will also be included in key relationships in missions, church planting strategies, deputation instruction, and an overview of certain cults and world religions.

United States History II

HTY 202 | 3 Credit Hours
A careful study of the national progress of the United States from reconstruction after the Civil War to the present. The course will focus on the various factors that led to the growth of America as a great economic, political, military, and spiritual force in the world.

United States History I

HTY 201 | 3 Credit Hours
A careful study of the colonial and national development of the United States from Columbus’ arrival in the new world through the Civil War. The course will focus on the social, political, spiritual, and economical factors that led to the formation, growth, and division of the United States.

History of Civilization II

HTY 102 | 3 Credit Hours
An overview of Western Civilization from a Christian perspective beginning with post-reformation Europe and continuing into the twenty-first century.

History of Civilization I

HTY 101 | 3 Credit Hours
An overview of Western Civilization from a Christian perspective beginning with the creation of man and continuing through the Protestant Reformation.

Survey of American/English Literature

ENG 203 | 3 Credit Hours
A survey course of the key authors in American and English literature with focus on how authors and their writings influenced Christianity through the ages.

English Composition

ENG 102 | 3 Credit Hours
This course is a study of the basic ways ideas can be fitted together and presented clearly in writing. Special emphasis is placed on sentence construction, word choices, outlining, writing paragraphs and essays, and writing research papers.

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