Academic Information
Government Recognition
Veterans educational assistance has been available to students who qualify under the regulations of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Please contact the College office for complete information. The Immigration Service of the United States Department of Homeland Security has approved Indiana Baptist College for the training of foreign students entering the country on a student visa.
Residence Information
In order to receive a degree from Indiana Baptist College, a student must take at least 32 semester hours of course work on campus as either a dorm student or a commuting student. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the academic dean.
Drop/Add Policy
Courses may be dropped or added during the first ten class days of the semester schedule by completing a Drop/Add form in the school office, receiving permission by the Registrar and instructor of the class, and paying a drop/add fee of $10. Courses dropped in this period will not be recorded on the student’s transcript or be part of the student’s record.
Courses dropped after 10 class days but within the first five weeks of the semester will be recorded as “withdrawn” (W) on the student’s transcript. Courses dropped after the fifth week will be recorded as either “withdrawn failing” (WF) or “withdrawn passing” (WP) on the transcript depending on the student’s grade average for the course at the time of withdrawal.
The grades W and WP will not be used in computing the student’s G.P.A. A WF will count the same as an F in computing the student’s G.P.A. unless the course is later completed with a passing grade. In that case, the WF will not count on the student’s G.P.A. but will remain on his transcript. The administration may choose to change a WF to W for what it deems extenuating circumstances.
Students who quit a class without completing a drop/add form are not eligible to receive any applicable refund and will receive an F for the course. Refunds will be issued in the amount consistent with the school’s refund policy.
Student Classification
Full-time Student – A full-time student is a degree-seeking student carrying twelve or more semester hours in a single semester.
Part-time Student – A part-time student is a degree-seeking student carrying fewer than twelve semester hours during a particular semester.
Special Student – A special student is (a) a student who is enrolled in a program of audited courses; (b) a student who has not fully completed the application process; or (c) a student who is completing high school requirements in conjunction with taking college courses (dual credit). Special student status requires the express approval of the administration.
Visiting Student – A visiting student is a student enrolled at another college who is doing course work through IBC. Earned course credits are then transferred to that institution upon request of the student.
Transfer Student – A transfer student is a student who has completed at least 30 semester hours of college work at another institution and applies for degree-seeking status at Indiana Baptist College.
Class Standing
Academic classification for all college students is determined by the following standards:
Freshman – Admission to college with freshman standing.
Sophomore – At least 30 semester hours of credit and 60 honor points.
Junior – At least 60 semester hours of credit and 120 honor points.
Senior – At least 90 semester hours of credit and 180 honor points, with the possibility of graduation within the completion of three consecutive semesters.
Graduate – Possession of a Baccalaureate degree and admission to graduate standing.
Students are required to attend all classes for which they are registered. Students may have excused absences for up to one week of classes. The instructor and the Dean must sign class excuses before a class may be missed. Unexcused absences will be subject to discipline. Although auditing students are not subject to the same attendance regulations as students taking courses for credit, it is expected that they attend classes on a regular basis. Students who are absent from more than twenty percent of the scheduled classes in any given course (this includes emergency absences) will not be given credit for the course except by special permission from the Academic Dean. Chapel is a very important part of each school day. The inspirational and practical Christian philosophy will help develop strong Christian character.
Directed Study Policy
Indiana Baptist College has made available a limited number of courses that can be taken by directed study with administration approval. Because the administration recognizes the value of the classroom experience for a student, the number of directed study courses that may be applied to a degree will be limited. Ordinarily, a student will be allowed to apply up to four directed study courses to an associates degree or eight directed study courses to a bachelor’s degree . When enrolling in a directed study class, a student will be given six months to complete the course. A student will be allowed one extension of the deadline to complete his course if he requests it at least one week before the deadline. Any other timetable must be approved by the administration. Courses not completed by the (extended) deadline will be removed from the student’s record. If the student wishes to complete the course later he will need to reapply for the course and pay for it again.
Grading System
Grade | Honor Points (per credit) |
A | 4 |
B | 3 |
C | 2 |
D | 1 |
F | 0 |
Incomplete Grade
A grade of “incomplete” can be given at the discretion of a professor if a student has requested an extension past the end of the semester to finish his course work. Unfinished work will be given a grade of zero if the student exceeds the approved time extension. A student must satisfactorily finish the work in all required courses in which he received an incomplete grade in order to receive his diploma or walk in the commencement program.
Audit Grade
Courses taken by audit will not be awarded a letter grade, but rather “AUDIT” will appear on the record. No credit is given an audited class toward a degree program.
Academic Warning Status
Any undergraduate student whose cumulative grade point average falls below the minimum academic standards set by the college will be placed on academic warning status. During the student’s next semester, his grade point must rise above academic warning level or the student will be academically suspended. The student may petition in writing for readmission following one semester suspension. If readmitted, the student will be automatically placed on academic warning status. A student academically dismissed a second time is permanently dismissed from the college. IBC minimum academic standards are as follows:
Semester Hours Completed Minimum GPA
1-30 hours 1.75
Above 30 hours 2.00
A transfer student’s grade point average will be computed on the basis of courses taken while in residence at Indiana Baptist College for the purposes of assignment to the academic warning status. Under certain circumstances a transfer student may be admitted under the academic warning status. In this case, the student’s previous course grades will be used in computation for the purposes of decisions regarding academic suspension and dismissal.
To graduate, a student must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and a grade of at least a “C” in all courses that are part of his major field.
With permission of the academic dean a student may repeat a course for which he received a “D” or “F.” All grades earned by a student will be recorded on his transcript, but only the highest grade received for a course will be counted in his grade point average.
Credit Hour Limit
Students may not take more than 18 hours of credit in a semester without written approval from the administration. When considering a request for an academic load over 18 hours, the administration will consider the student’s academic record and his nonacademic responsibilities. Maintaining a “B” average is normally required to gain permission for a high academic load.
Semester Hours Completed Minimum GPA
1-30 hours 1.75
Above 30 hours 2.00
A transfer student’s grade point average will be computed on the basis of courses taken while in residence at Indiana Baptist College for the purposes of assignment to the academic warning status. Under certain circumstances a transfer student may be admitted under the academic warning status. In this case, the student’s previous course grades will be used in computation for the purposes of decisions regarding academic suspension and dismissal.
To graduate, a student must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and a grade of at least a “C” in all courses that are part of his major field.
With permission of the academic dean a student may repeat a course for which he received a “D” or “F.” All grades earned by a student will be recorded on his transcript, but only the highest grade received for a course will be counted in his grade point average.
Scholastic Honors
Dean’s List and President’s List
Each semester, deserving students which have reached the following prescribed level of achievement will be awarded special recognition.
Dean’s List Criteria
1. Full-time standing
2. No “I”, “D”, or “F” grades
3. 3.50 or better grade point average
President’s List Criteria
1. At least 15 attempted hours
2. No “I”, “C”, “D”, or “F” grades
3. 3.75 or better grade point average
Graduation Honors
To graduate with academic honors, a student must have earned at least a 3.50 cumulative grade point average for his or her entire academic record. The scholastic commencement honors at Indiana Baptist College are as follows:
Cum Laude 3.50-3.74 GPA
Magna cum Laude 3.75-3.90 GPA
Summa cum Laude 3.91-4.00 GPA
Graduation Procedure
Students who plan to graduate from Indiana Baptist College in May will meet with the Registrar before the beginning of the preceding fall semester to discuss his requirements for graduation. Students who are fulfilling the requirements to graduate, will receive a written permission to walk in the commencement exercises from the Registrar’s office during the spring semester. In order to receive permission to walk in the commencement program, a student must have satisfactorily completed all courses that are required for his major from previous semesters and have earned passing grades in all required courses at the midterm of the current semester. The student must also be scheduled to complete his academic program and be current with his financial account.
Sequence of Courses
The sequence of courses for all degrees may vary according to the semester and year that the student begins classes. However, the Advisor and student should plan a program in which the student will meet the listed requirements within a reasonable length of time. Generally, undergraduate degrees are a four-year program. Once enrolled under regular status, the student must complete all requirements within a nine-year period. This period may be extended only with the approval of the Academic Dean. The tentative course sequences listed with each major in the Division of Undergraduate Programs are a basis for the student and Advisor to plan a program of study.