Degree Programs
We offer a variety of degrees that all focus on the same thing; training Christian leaders for ministry. Our degree programs are carefully designed to properly equip students for the ministry that God has for them. Each degree has an extensive foundation of Biblical studies. It is then furthered with a core of academic basics, and specific classes that match the field of studies selected by the student.
Struggling with the last stretch of high school? We have helped others, and we can help you complete your high school course of study while earning college credit at the same time!
Pastoral Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Today thousands of churches across America and around the world need Godly pastors. The Pastoral Studies major is an extensive ministerial program designed to give the prospective local church pastor…
Bachelor of Arts
Evangelism is at the heart of the Great Commission. The Evangelism major is designed to prepare men to effectively do the work of an evangelist. In addition to receiving a…
Bachelor of Arts
Missions touches the very heart of God and is the responsibility of every Christian, whether at home or abroad. The men’s Missions major provides excellent training for both foreign and…
Youth Ministries
Bachelor of Arts
Churches who call a second man to their pastoral staff often want a man who can work effectively with young people and also fill another area of service in the…
Pastoral and Church Music
Bachelor of Arts
In many churches today, the pastor not only preaches but is also heavily involved with the church’s music ministry. The Pastoral and Church Music major prepares young men for the…
One Year Bible
Many young people have no idea if God wants them to pursue full-time ministry. The One Year Bible Certificate is designed to give the student a solid Biblical foundation for…
Preschool Education
Associate of Science
Many Christian schools today also offer preschool and daycare services, for which they need solid Christian teachers. The Preschool Education associate program equips students to serve in a Christian preschool…
Elementary Education
Bachelor of Science
In America today and around the world there is a great need for more Christian educators. The Elementary Education major is designed to produce highly skilled, professional teachers for Christian…
Secondary Education
Bachelor of Arts
The youth of our day are very vulnerable to the influences of the world and need Godly teachers who will model Christian living while providing an excellent education in the…
General Studies
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Not everyone comes into college knowing exactly the task God has for their life. The General Studies major is designed to give the student flexibility in preparing for any field…
Church Secretarial
Associate of Arts
Most churches today need a secretary, and many times a pastor’s wife will find herself filling that role. The Church Secretarial program is designed to give the student the background…
Church Ministries
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Since God established the local church to carry out His work in the world today, there is a great need for able men and women to carry out the ministry…
Church Music Ministries
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Every local church benefits greatly from godly women who will step up and serve, especially in the area of music. She will receive comprehensive training in personal music skills, music…
Church Pianist
Bachelor of Arts
The church pianist is one of the most essential elements of a church’s music program. The Church Pianist major is designed to train pianists to use their piano skills effectively…
Piano Pedagogy
Associate of Arts
Since the piano is the main instrument used for sacred music, it is essential that many young people and adults know how to play it well enough to serve in…
String Pedagogy
Associate of Arts
God is pleased when His people praise Him skillfully with instruments. The String Pedagogy associate program prepares the student to teach violin and other stringed instruments using traditional pedagogical techniques…
Voice Pedagogy
Associate of Arts
One of the most repeated commands in the Bible is to sing to the Lord. The Voice Pedagogy associate program prepares the student to teach voice by developing an understanding…
Music Education
Bachelor of Science
Christian schools and local churches need skilled music instructors who will equip their students to worship the Lord with musical excellence. The Music Education major is designed to meet this…
Christian Workers Certificate
Every church needs solid Christian workers. The Christian Workers Certificate program is designed to help equip active believers for effective ministry in their local church. The certificate is awarded upon…
Biblical Studies
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
A thorough knowledge of the Bible will help prepare any student for the ministry to which God is calling. The Biblical Studies major is designed for those who desire a…
Seminary Programs
Master of Ministry
The Master of Ministry degree is a practical course of study designed to help the Bible college graduate enhance his ministry as a pastor, missionary, or Christian worker.
Master of Sacred Theology
The Master of Arts in Theology program is designed to give the student a solid foundation in the field of systematic theology.
Doctor of Philosophy
The PhD program is designed to give the student a focused, rigorous academic training in the areas of Bible and Theology with a balance of general seminary work.
Dual Credit Program
The dual credit program is designed to help high schoolers have a strong academic finish while giving them a head start on their college classwork. The program is both for high schoolers that are excelling academically and are looking to move to the next step early, and for high schoolers who may be struggling to complete their high school requirements. Our academic advisors will help craft a personalized program to fit the student’s academic objectives.
Contact the IBC main office to learn more.
Christian Workers Certificate
Every church needs solid Christian workers. The Christian Workers Certificate program is designed to help equip active believers for effective ministry in their local church. The certificate is awarded upon completion of sixteen credit hours, including at least four credit hours in Bible. Students may take courses in areas such as Bible, Music, Church Ministries, and Spanish. The Academic Dean will guide the student to tailor a program to fit his ministry objectives.