Secondary Education
Program Purpose
The youth of our day are very vulnerable to the influences of the world and need Godly teachers who will model Christian living while providing an excellent education in the higher grades. The Secondary Education major is designed to prepare student teachers to be effective junior high and high school teachers in Christian schools. Because most Christian schools seek teachers who are proficient in more than one subject area, the student will choose at least two teaching fields on which to focus.
Bible and Theology
43 Credit Hours
General Education
21 Credit Hours
0-4 Credit Hours
Biblical Language
34-38 Credit Hours
Foundational Education
17 Credit Hours
Church Education
13 Credit Hours
Teaching Fields
Because most Christian schools seek teachers who are proficient in more than one subject area, the student will choose two of the seven teaching fields offered by IBC.
Key Courses
CED 201 | 2 Credit Hours
A survey of the many various educational ministries of the local church. Students are…
EDF 304 | 3 Credit Hours
Basic philosophical background of Christian day-school education, Biblical principle-based curricula, instruction…
EDF 302 | 2 Credit Hours
Basic principles of classroom management, organization, discipline, and instruction with emphasis on practical…
EDS 450 | 6 Credit Hours
An internship in an off-campus Christian day school involving observations, participation…