Voice Pedagogy
Program Purpose
One of the most repeated commands in the Bible is to sing to the Lord. The Voice Pedagogy associate program prepares the student to teach voice by developing an understanding both of the vocal apparatus and of the pleasing and effective production of vocal sound. The course objectives are crafted with a view toward vocal ministry situations, whether in the local church, schools, camps, special meetings, etc. In addition, students receive training in Bible and general ministry. Voice pedagogy majors must pass a major platform evaluation in voice and a minor platform evaluation in piano.
Bible and Theology
20 Credit Hours
General Education
9 Credit Hours
20 Credit Hours
Church Education
8 Credit Hours
Key Courses
MUS 201 | 2 Credit Hours
Fundamentals of music, basic harmonic progressions, and elementary keyboard harmony.
SPE 211 | 1 Credit Hours
The student receives personalized instruction and direction in effective interpretive speech. To provide full audience experience
MUS 237 | 1 Credit Hours
This course is designed to equip the student for the teaching of voice. The student will gain a working knowledge of the vocal apparatus, the pleasing…
MUS 238 | 1 Credit Hours
This course helps the student gain a working knowledge of vocal repertoire that is useful both in voice teaching and also in ministry applications.