Fundamentals of Speech II
SPE 102 | 3 Credit Hours speech with an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Impromptu, pantomime, storytelling, demonstration, and informative speeches are delivered.
SPE 102 | 3 Credit Hours speech with an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Impromptu, pantomime, storytelling, demonstration, and informative speeches are delivered.
SPE 101 | 3 Credit Hours This basic techniques and principles course offers emphasis on delivery style and platform performance. Manuscript, memorized, and extemporaneous speeches are performed. The class culminates with the devotional.
MUS 304 | 2 Credit Hours The history of the development of the hymn, its nature, and its function.
MUS 260 | 1 Credit Hour An internship for the string pedagogy major in which the student gives string lessons under the direction of the music faculty.
MUS 259 | 1 Credit Hour Description An internship for the string pedagogy major in which the student gives string lessons under the direction of the music faculty.
MUS 242 | 1 Credit Hour This course offers masterclass-style performance opportunities for the advancing musician and includes chamber music instruction in both classical and sacred genres. Participation in this course is contingent upon faculty approval.
MUS 241 | 1 Credit Hour This course offers masterclass-style performance opportunities for the advancing musician and includes chamber music instruction in both classical and sacred genres. Participation in this course is contingent upon faculty approval.
MUS 236 | 1 Credit Hour A partner course to String Pedagogy I and II. This course includes a study of scales, etudes, and repertoire used to supplement the instruction of beginning string players.
MUS 232 | 2 Credit Hours Description A study of the methods used in teaching beginning string players. Topics include teacher deportment, playing technique, repertoire sequence, and aural skill development.
MUS 231 | 2 Credit Hours A study of the methods used in teaching beginning string players. Topics include teacher deportment, playing technique, repertoire sequence, and aural skill development.