Fundamentals of Speech II
SPE 102 | 3 Credit Hours speech with an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Impromptu, pantomime, storytelling, demonstration, and informative speeches are delivered.
SPE 102 | 3 Credit Hours speech with an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Impromptu, pantomime, storytelling, demonstration, and informative speeches are delivered.
SPE 101 | 3 Credit Hours This basic techniques and principles course offers emphasis on delivery style and platform performance. Manuscript, memorized, and extemporaneous speeches are performed. The class culminates with the devotional.
MUS 106 | 2 Credit Hours This course is designed to assist the student in establishing a biblical perspective of music, both in the personal realm and in church ministries.
ENG 102 | 3 Credit Hours This course is a study of the basic ways ideas can be fitted together and presented clearly in writing. Special emphasis is placed on sentence construction, word choices, outlining, writing paragraphs and essays, and writing research papers.
ENG 101 | 3 Credit Hours This course thoroughly teaches traditional grammar and mechanics with emphasis on the basic parts of speech and their function in the English sentence.
CED 105 | 1 Credit Hour A course designed to help the new student succeed at Indiana Baptist College. It will guide student success in time management, academic pursuits, personal protocol, and personal finances.
CED 101 | 2 Credit Hours A training course in personal evangelism with an emphasis on doing, rather than on discussion. The students will be motivated to win souls and be equipped for this great task.
BIB 408 | 3 Credit Hours A comprehensive study of the Jewish nation, beginning with the time of the Judges until the birth of Christ. Archaeological and historical testimony supplementing the Old Testament will be considered.
BIB 407 | 3 Credit Hours A comprehensive study of the Jewish nation, beginning with the journey of Abraham through the conquest of the Promised Land under Joshua. Archaeological and historical testimony supplementing the Old Testament will be considered.
BIB 312 | 3 Credit Hours This course is a comprehensive study of the doctrines of the church, the Scriptures, and prophecy.