History of Civilization II

HTY 102 | 3 Credit Hours
An overview of Western Civilization from a Christian perspective beginning with post-reformation Europe and continuing into the twenty-first century.

History of Civilization I

HTY 101 | 3 Credit Hours
An overview of Western Civilization from a Christian perspective beginning with the creation of man and continuing through the Protestant Reformation.

Survey of American/English Literature

ENG 203 | 3 Credit Hours
A survey course of the key authors in American and English literature with focus on how authors and their writings influenced Christianity through the ages.

English Composition

ENG 102 | 3 Credit Hours
This course is a study of the basic ways ideas can be fitted together and presented clearly in writing. Special emphasis is placed on sentence construction, word choices, outlining, writing paragraphs and essays, and writing research papers.

English Grammar

ENG 101 | 3 Credit Hours
This course thoroughly teaches traditional grammar and mechanics with emphasis on the basic parts of speech and their function in the English sentence.

History of Revival

EVN 301 | 2 Credit Hours
A survey of revivals throughout history, from Bible days until the present. The course’s aim is to help the student understand the nature of revival and to stir him to seek revival.

Baptist Distinctives and Polity

CED 408 | 2 Credit Hours
Distinctive doctrines, practices and procedures of Baptist church administration and leadership will be addressed from a Biblical perspective.

Baptist History II

CED 406 | 2 Credit Hours
A study of Baptist churches and leaders after 1700. The class will focus primarily on American Baptists. The relation of Baptists toward soul liberty, church polity, democracy, evangelism, and missions will be discussed.

Baptist History I

CED 405 | 2 Credit Hours
The rise and growth of early baptistic separatist groups and Baptist churches from the first through the seventeenth centuries A.D. The principles and doctrines of the early church will be noted.


CED 314 | 2 Credit Hours
A general consideration of basic leadership principles, particularly in the context of ministry situations.

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