General Studies​

Program Purpose

Not everyone comes into college knowing exactly the task God has for their life. The General Studies major is designed to give the student flexibility in preparing for any field to which God may call them. This program gives students a firm foundation in Bible, general education, and church education classes while allowing flexibility through a significant number of electives. These will be selected with the help of the Academic Dean.

Program Overview

132 Credit Hours

*Also available as an Associates Degree

Bible and Theology ​

51 Credit Hours

General Education

27Credit Hours

Church Education

25 Credit Hours


29 Credit Hours

Key Courses

CED 101 | 2 Credit Hours

 A training course in personal evangelism with an emphasis on doing, rather than on discussion. The students will be motivated to win souls and be equipped for…

BIB 105 | 2 Credit Hours

 This study lays the biblical foundation for creation science with an emphasis on the refutation of the theory of evolution. This course shows how true science points to and is…

MUS 106 | 2 Credit Hours

 This course is designed to assist the student in establishing a biblical perspective of music, both in the personal realm and…

CED 206 | 2 Credit Hours

  This course is designed to guide the student through the various responsibilities relating to courtship and marriage from a Biblical perspective. Emphasis…

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