General Epistles
BIB 303 | 3 Credit Hours The background, content, and interpretation of Hebrews, James, Jude, the epistles of Peter, and the epistles of John.
BIB 303 | 3 Credit Hours The background, content, and interpretation of Hebrews, James, Jude, the epistles of Peter, and the epistles of John.
BIB 305 | 2 Credit Hours A study of the Bible doctrine and practice of prayer with an application to one’s personal prayer life.
BIB 307 | 3 Credit Hours The life of Christ is studied through a careful search of the four Gospels. From His birth through His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, every event and teaching is studied.
BIB 308 | 2 Credit Hours A study of the growth and development of the first century church as recorded by Luke. Special attention will be given to the activity of the Holy Spirit in the ministries of Peter and Paul.
BIB 310 | 3 Credit Hours A brief study of the historical background of the local church at Rome, an introduction to the epistle, and a study of its contents with emphasis on major doctrines found in the book.
BIB 311 | 3 Credit Hours This course is a comprehensive study of the doctrines of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, angels, man, salvation, and prayer.
BIB 312 | 3 Credit Hours This course is a comprehensive study of the doctrines of the church, the Scriptures, and prophecy.
BIB 402 | 2 Credit Hours A careful study of the background and messages of the twelve minor prophets. The course will emphasize a practical application of the prophets’ messages and will note their prophecies already fulfilled and those still to be fulfilled.
BIB 403 | 3 Credit Hours An overview of the background and messages of Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, with a careful study of representative Psalms, and a practical study of the themes of Proverbs.
BIB 404 | 3 Credit Hours An overview of the background and messages of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, with a careful study of the prophecies in the Book of Daniel.